WorkStep & RILA Retail Roundtable Recap
October 15, 2021
Holiday Season 2021 - A Strained Market for Retailers as Labor Demand Outstrips Supply: What’s The Impact of Not Hiring & Retaining Your Frontline Workers on Your Business?
October 11, 2021
As consumers, we’re used to ordering a product, checking shipping updates, and having a package arrive at our doorstep. It wasn’t until recent production and shipping delays that we really considered what’s happening behind the scenes...
Supply Chain Workers Are Harder To Hire & Retain. Why?
August 10, 2021
The struggle businesses are faced with pertaining to hiring and retaining supply chain hourly frontline workers is real. It's time to challenge the status quo. Job boards and agencies are no longer supporting your hiring strategy.
Attracting Gen Z and Millennial workers to your supply chain job openings
June 30, 2021
If you’re hiring for frontline jobs in an industrial setting, you’re already fighting an uphill battle. It’s an incredibly competitive marketplace and turnover is at an all-time high. To fill jobs, you need to be attracting Gen Z and Millennial workers to your openings. But what exactly do you need to do differently to reach these younger groups? Thankfully, there are a few strategies you can try to better attract Gen Z and Millennial workers to your critical openings.
4 Reasons Why Supply Chain Turnover Keeps Going Up
June 16, 2021
Why does supply chain turnover keep going up? Today, we’re sharing the top 4 reasons why supply chain turnover continues to increase. These reasons will make it clear why things won’t turn around on their own– in order to better retain hourly workers, you’ll need to make changes in your organization.
America’s Top 2 Employers Are Publicly Refocusing On Their Frontline Employees
June 01, 2021
In the last couple months, America’s top two employers have publicly focused their communication on their frontline employees. It’s hard to know how much of their rhetoric has already been put into practice, however, their public focus on frontline employees is clear. To compete in today’s market, you’ll need to put your frontline employees front and center too.
Spring 2021: The most strained supply chain labor market ever
March 31, 2021
While frontline talent for manufacturing and logistics operations has been in short supply for years, today, the market for supply chain workers is the most strained it has ever been. This labor market tightness is causing missed production schedules, unhealthy and expensive amounts of forced overtime, and a widespread industry ...
What Are Industrial Workers Looking For in a Job?
October 30, 2020
It can be hard to know exactly what competitors are offering or what workers are looking for. It’s important to look into what exactly industrial workers are prioritizing in their job search. Keeping these four ideas in mind will help generate the best outcomes.
WorkStep Blog | What Each Presidential Candidate Has Planned for American Manufacturing
October 11, 2020
Given the quantity of electoral votes up for grabs in Rust Belt swing states, both candidates are campaigning aggressively on what they will do as president in support of domestic manufacturing. This gives us an idea of what we can expect for the next 4 years depending on the results of November’s election. Here’s what each candidate is currently promising when it comes to job stability and the economic future of the manufacturing industry.
WorkStep Blog | COVID-19 and Flight Risk in the Industrial Workforce
September 21, 2020
At WorkStep, we recently conducted a survey regarding how COVID-19 continues to impact the industrial workforce.
WorkStep Blog | 5 Reasons Why Industrial Jobseekers Prefer Using WorkStep
September 13, 2020
Those looking for industrial and supply chain jobs have been increasingly turning to WorkStep to find employment quickly and easily. This is happening for 5 key reasons.
6 Tips to Improve Your Industrial Job Postings
August 30, 2020
Are your postings for industrial job openings not getting the number of applications you need to continue to run your operations fully staffed? Are many of the candidates that you are receiving those who don’t have the qualifications or the drive you’re looking for? You’re not alone. Many companies are ...
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