Retain Your Frontline Workers by Creating a Positive Company Culture
December 20, 2021
Company culture is the core of any organization. It sets the tone for how employees feel about their workplace and the people they work with. Company culture can make someone happy to come to work everyday, or dread the thought...
10 Benefits to Prioritizing Employee Retention in 2022
December 16, 2021
The supply chain continues to struggle with labor shortages, and employee turnover has significantly contributed to this problem. Workforce retention impacts all aspects of a business, from operational costs, to productivity, to company culture. In order for companies to overcome the labor crisis, they must prioritize retaining employees in 2022. ...
What is Employee Retention and Why Does it Matter?
December 09, 2021
The past year we’ve heard non-stop buzz about labor shortages and the struggle for companies to find hourly workers to hire. But what’s also contributing to the labor shortage is the record rate of employees leaving jobs. This has become a serious problem across all industries, especially the supply chain. ...
How to Track the Impact of Employee Retention Efforts
December 07, 2021
In November 2021 WorkStep introduced Impact Tracker for WorkStep RETAIN. Impact Tracker empowers companies to track the impact that their actions have on frontline worker satisfaction and retention.
Why America is Experiencing a Truck Driver Retention Crisis
December 01, 2021
It’s likely you’ve heard more in the past year about truck drivers, chassis, and cargo shipping than ever before. The recent backlog in the supply chain has drawn everyone’s attention to the American trucking industry. So how did we get here, and why is it continuing to be a problem? ...
Black Friday Affected by the Supply Chain This Year
November 24, 2021
Black Friday has been considered the busiest shopping day in the United States for several decades. Droves of patrons flock to stores in order to secure the best deals. But in recent years, more and more consumers have shifted to the ease of shopping online ...
Why Supply Chain Disruptions Will Cause Your Thanksgiving Costs to Rise This Year
November 22, 2021
In 2020, many Americans were unable to spend the holidays with their families due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, thanks to the availability of vaccines and the lift on travel bans, people are returning to their annual holiday traditions. Unfortunately, they’re likely to find the cost of celebrating has risen ...
Build A Better Company Culture with WorkStep RETAIN
November 19, 2021
Have you ever left a job? What motivated you to leave that job? Whether it was because you wanted a higher wage, or better benefits, or didn’t see a path to advance your career, it all boils down to one underlying need: to feel heard by your employer.
3 Factors Paved the Way for Labor Strikes in October 2021
November 15, 2021
Striketober may sound like the title of the next Star Wars movie, but unfortunately this is a real-life situation that has had a global impact, especially on the supply chain. If you’re not familiar with the term, it was coined after a massive surge in U.S. labor strikes this past October...
4 New Features To Track Hiring and Retention
November 02, 2021
October 2021 was an exciting month for new WorkStep HIRE and WorkStep RETAIN features. Our new functionalities enable employers to navigate and have more control of their hiring and retention efforts. At WorkStep, we are constantly developing our software to meet the needs of our customers and improve efficiencies....
New Hires Start a New Trend: Incentive-Hopping
October 26, 2021
There’s a fierce competition happening right now, and it’s not football. Talent acquisition, especially for the supply chain, has become increasingly difficult, and companies are desperate to find ways to attract applicants.  There’s a continued push to drive hiring incentives in order to remain competitive to a narrowing pool of candidates. Whether it’s increased wages, sign-on bonuses, or tuition reimbursement, people are flocking to the shiniest offer. Unfortunately for companies, there’s a new trend happening with new-hires...
What's Driving Supply Chain Workforce Turnover?
October 19, 2021
The workplace landscape has drastically changed over the past couple of years. People are leaving jobs at an accelerated rate to seek out better positions. This trend has especially impacted companies within the supply chain, with turnover rates set to exceed 50% in 2021. Without enough frontline workers to support ...
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